Project Amour Eric and Chandra's Journey to Get Married in Paris


Nous avons choisi la Chapelle Expiatoire

Altar Inside Chapel

We have chosen Expiatoire Chapel

After about a week of contemplation, Eric and I have officially chosen the "Chapelle Expiatoire" as the venue for our wedding.  We will be working this week to secure a date in late April for our ceremony.  The  Chapel was commissioned by King Louis XVIII to be built as a symbol of atonement  or as a peace offering to his deceased brother King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie Antoinette.

The Chapelle Expiatoire complex is built on three levels. There is an entry hall that leads to an enclosed courtyard.  The courtyard is of simple design, planted with roses dating back to the mid-1700's.  The actual chapel is reached by climbing a set of twelve stairs and passing through a facade supported by simple Doric columns.  Inside the Chapel there is a center dome flanked by smaller domes on either side.   The larger, center dome itself is supported by four columns. They represent The Trinity, The Law of Moses, The Blessed Sacrament, and the Paschal Lamb.   The interior carvings and bas-reliefs were the work of Gerard who also worked on the Arc de Triomphe.  The altar is centered along the back wall. Two marble statues complete the decoration of the interior.  I have created a photo gallery of the pictures I captured during my recent visit to Paris.  I am so excited that we have finally made this important decision.  Check out our pictures here.

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  1. Great choice! This was an extraordinary place. Beautiful inside and out. As soon as I saw this place in person, I could picture you guys on your wedding day here. Absolutely gorgeous! (My favorite….wink, wink)

  2. hi,

    im wondering if you can help me, me and my fiancee were also looking to get married here in august 2012, but we cant seem to find anyone with info on how to book the venue, any help you could give us would be really appreciated.

    thanks and good luck on your day!

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