Our Photographer: Ian Holmes
We have officially selected Ian Holmes Photography services for our wedding. I am thrilled to get to work with Ian on our very special day. Ian is a photo-journalistic photographer. Relatively new for weddings, Ian will shoot our day as it happens. Less posing and more "in the moment" shots. Ian's approach is to be as discreet as possible. He strives to create images that tell the story of the day as it happened, not as the photographer directed it. Ian is a member of the Wedding Photojournalistic Association.
On our wedding day Ian will begin by shooting the bride leaving the hotel and the journey to the Chapelle Expiatoire. He will then capture our ceremony as it unfolds. After the ceremony we will drive to some of the most picturesque locations in Paris for some "traveling bride and groom" shots. I can't wait to post some of the great shots I know we will get from Ian!
Happy New Year!
2011 -- Finally! The year I have been waiting for for quite some time is finally here. This is going to be such an exciting and eventful year. We are less than four months 'til our wedding and honeymoon and the countdown has begun. Eric and I are working on finalizing invitation designs and content this week so that we can begin sending them in mid-March. Check back soon for the "reveal". Once the invitations have been mailed I will post which one we selected! A few places that I have found offering unique, nice wedding stationery include:
Merry Christmas
Today I am hosting Eric's family for Christmas lunch and gift exchange. Eric's mother, sisters and aunt and uncle will be staying the night with us along with their four legged family members. I have been working over the past few days to create the perfect holiday lunch. Some members of the family are vegetarian so I want to make sure everyone can enjoy an exceptional holiday meal. The menu I have decided on includes the following:
For Lunch:
For Dessert:
This is the first year Eric and I are hosting his family for the holidays. It's something he has wanted to do since we moved in to our home (this is our third Christmas in this house). I am postively thrilled that everyone's schedules were able to accommodate a drive to Raleigh and an overnight stay. Now, I just have to hope I can pull everything together and make both Eric and my grandmother's proud!
Wish me luck.